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Innovative Teaching Ideas

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(based on 154 reviews)

Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.




Hi I am Kev, my wife Belinda and I run Innovative Teaching Ideas. We love to learn, and now have three little learners to guide through life. Above all we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts around our products and can make resources to meet your needs.
Aesop's Fable Unit (Reading & Writing Fables for Meaning, Moral and Message.)

Aesop's Fable Unit (Reading & Writing Fables for Meaning, Moral and Message.)

What engages kids even more than listening to a good story? ☀️PARTICIPATING IN IT!☀️ That’s what they’ll be doing with AESOP'S FABLE POWER PACK, which offers a COMPLETE, NO-PREP UNIT. *************************************************************************** This HUGE BUNDLE offers a mix of hands-on, printable, and digital media resources. By the time you have finished this pack, your students won’t just be able to READ and COMPREHEND fables, but will also be WRITING their own unique fables with structure and purpose. That’s why this is one of the best reviewed products we have to offer – it keeps kids excited and engaged for over a week as you work through the following areas: ✔ What Is a Fable and Its Purpose? ✔ Who Is Aesop, The Father of Fables? ✔ 12 Famous Interactive Fables by Aesop (Professionally Narrated) ✔ Scripted Fable Theater - Turn These Fables into a Drama Class ✔ Deconstructing Fables for Meaning ✔ Planning and Assessment Rubrics for Writing Fables ✔ Fable Writing Workshop ✔ Character Traits Worksheets and Activities for All of Aesop's Creatures ✔ Digital and Paper Based Resources for Publishing Fables ✔ Fable Glossary and Curriculum Links. The entire collection is provided to you in EDITABLE PowerPoint and Word formats and also available as a printable PDF eBook. Each lesson is a complete plan that eliminates your preparation time, but if you need to modify the content to suit a particular class, you can easily do so. We even hired a professional voice actor so that you can listen to these fables with your class in style! ****************************************************************************** Like the sound of this? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. *************************************************************************** Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES Year Long Visual Writing Prompts Fable Power Pack Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM ***************************************************************************** YOUR REVIEWS ARE ESSENTIAL IN KEEPING OUR PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AND REGULARLY UPDATED!!! IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO US!!! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
Caterpillar Verbs Game / Classroom Display

Caterpillar Verbs Game / Classroom Display

You are getting the 25 MOST COMMON VERBS constructed into beautiful caterpillar CLASSROOM DISPLAY / WORD WALL or a really fun IRREGULAR VERB MATCHING GAME You could use it for both.. The game is a simple matching game (Construct a verb Catepillar - TAKE- TAKES - TAKING - TOOK - TAKEN ) or a classroom display. Each caterpillar is made up of - The Root Verb ie: TAKE - Plural Form ie: TAKES - Past Tense form ie: TOOK - Past Participle ie: TAKEN AS WELL AS A BLANK TO CREATE YOUR OWN VERB. This resource is can also be downloaded as a completely editable package you can adapt for any type of classroom
125 Guided Reading Activities for Any Book

125 Guided Reading Activities for Any Book

This HUGE collection of READING ACTIVITIES for ANY BOOK or TEXT TYPE is packed with DIFFERENTIATED TASKS for FICTION and NONFICTION TEXT GENRES. Your students can work INDEPENDENTLY or in GROUPS through these FUN and ENGAGING activities that will make reading in 2023 a blast! WHAT'S INCLUDED 60+ activities require students to RESPOND in various genres and styles. 40+ activities incorporating ARTISTIC and CREATIVE skills about their book 30+ TECHNOLOGY activities, including open-ended iPad and web-based tasks 25+ GROUP-based tasks 20+ tasks requiring RESEARCH and ENQUIRY of concepts within a text. 50+ tasks to use with FILMS, GRAPHIC NOVELS and DIGITAL LITERACIES. 15+ activities involving DRAMA, MUSIC and ROLE PLAYING 88 PRINTABLE Task Cards 25+ GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS that can be applied to any text Reading WORKSHEETS These evergreen 125 activities are available in DIGITAL and PRINT formats for you to use in READING CENTER ROTATIONS or online INSTRUCTIONAL TASKS your students can efficiently complete. This top seller will not disappoint when providing a nice balance of direct instruction and freedom to let students personalize their learning due to the range and diversity of resources and lesson content. This set of beautifully presented reading activities ensures students are engaged and on task during literacy rotations and can be used for both groups and independent study. Each 40-60 minute lesson contains multiple "evergreen" activities so that they can be applied to any student or text. Every activity has clear instructions and open-ended outcomes to meet the needs of all ability ranges. We know this through experience: an exemplary teacher designed each one, and they have all been used in our classrooms for over two decades.
Dear Santa Letter Template

Dear Santa Letter Template

With the festive season almost upon us you might be considering doing some letters to Santa as part of your Christmas writing sessions. This easy to use template is completely free to download looks great and will definitely inspire young writers to put in plenty of great ideas and effort.
HUGE POETRY UNIT: 4 Full Weeks & 19 Styles of Poetry NO PREP REQUIRED!!

HUGE POETRY UNIT: 4 Full Weeks & 19 Styles of Poetry NO PREP REQUIRED!!

⚡ THE POETRY POWER PACK IS HERE ⚡ Want to make poetry FUN, ENGAGING AND RELEVANT? This poetry unit is a complete solution for teaching and learning poetry to students. ❤️ ABSOLUTELY NO PREP REQUIRED ❤️, just download and start teaching in minutes. *************************************************************************** With four full weeks worth of work, you can either go all in or return as required throughout the school year. These aren’t just NO PREP, either – our teacher feedback has repeatedly told us these poetry activities are so clear that their students can self-study at their own pace. We have spent over ten years compiling, refining, and classroom-testing this Poetry unit to get it to the quality that it’s at now. It has been used by teachers around the world in various formats and is now available for the first time as a complete solution to teaching poetry in your classroom in an engaging and professional manner. Whatever you need to teach we have you covered. We’ve designed activities and lessons for 19 styles of poetry, including: ✍ Acrostic Poems ✍ Ballads ✍ Clerihew Poetry ✍ Diamante poems ✍ Epitaph ✍ Free Verse ✍ Haiku ✍ Irish Limericks ✍ Monody ✍ Monorhyme ✍ The Ode ✍ Palindromes ✍ Pantoum ✍ Quatrains ✍ Shape Poetry ✍ Concrete Poetry ✍ Sonnets and Villanelle. For each style of poetry you will find: ✏ Visually bright, informative teaching guides designed to appeal to kids ✏ Annotated poetry samples narrated by a professional voice actor ✏ Quality external learning links and resources ✏ Individual templates to download and print in both grayscale and color ✏ Poetry Assessment Rubric to help students produce their own high quality poetry ✏ Curriculum links, including Common Core This unique bundle of resources, activities, and media comes in a single PowerPoint with dozens of templates and documents for you and your students. You will also gain access to a PDF version with this purchase. However you use it, this packet will ensure that you easily meet Common Core Standard 10 for grades one through five. *************************************************************************** Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES Year Long Visual Writing Prompts Fable Power Pack Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM ***************************************************************************** YOUR REVIEWS ARE ESSENTIAL IN KEEPING OUR PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AND REGULARLY UPDATED!!! IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO US!!! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
The 100 & 200 Most commonly used words Poster

The 100 & 200 Most commonly used words Poster

Help your young ones master their core vocabulary and spelling by putting these high-resolution posters front and center in your classroom. They will appreciate this handy reference. *************************************************************************** This four-poster set comes in two flavors: a handwritten-style font if you prefer a more natural look, or a typed font that younger students will be able to read more easily. The first set covers the 100 most common words in English, while the second set covers the next most common 100 words. In case you were wondering, yes, ESL teachers will also find these quite useful. We are giving you these PDF images in high-resolution so you can scale them to any size with no pixilation or quality loss. Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas Full Year Visual Writing Prompts Bundle Poetry Power Pack 110 Reading Activities Bundle
Hypothetical Visual Prompts and Ice Breakers

Hypothetical Visual Prompts and Ice Breakers

Following the wild popularity of the Visual Writing Prompts Bundle comes **HYPOTHETICAL VISUAL ICE BREAKERS AND OPINION PROMPTS.** Another evergreen and versatile resource with proven success with struggling or reluctant writers as well as being an excellent icebreaker for students and staff. Everything is completely editable and absolutely ""NO PREP REQUIRED"" What you get - Over 101 amazing photos each accompanied by a highly engaging hypothetical question for you to ponder. - Advice and resources for students and teachers about maximising the bundles use in literacy other areas fo the curriculum. - Teaching and assessment resources tailored to hypothetical questions. The resource is broken into 5 unique areas - What If? - Icebreakers - Would you rather? - Hmmm??? That's a tough one - Tough questions for young adults. This resource is ever expanding, and as such you will receive all future upgrade for free. ************************************************************************** LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER, and visit us on FACEBOOK to take part in our exclusive giveaways. POPULAR PRODUCTS FROM INNOVATIVE TEACHING IDEAS FULL YEAR VISUAL WRITING PROMPTS BUNDLE 110 Reading Activities Bundle TEACHING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES & STEM POETRY POWER PACK GOOGLE SEARCH LIKE A BOSS
Parts of Speech Poster Series

Parts of Speech Poster Series

Categorizing words doesn’t come naturally to kids, but this cute, high-resolution poster set will help them properly use and make sense of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech. *************************************************************************** If kids can make good grammar second nature, they will be well prepared for junior high writing. Help them get a head start by adding this useful, easy to comprehend poster set to your wall. The nine posters cover: Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adjectives Prepositions Conjunctions Interjections Adverbs This set works best with children ten and up. If you’re working with younger learners, we also have a junior edition available in our store. We are giving you these PDF images in high-resolution so you can scale them to any size with no pixilation or quality loss. Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas Full Year Visual Writing Prompts Bundle Poetry Power Pack 110 Reading Activities Bundle
Spelling Activity Matrix & Task Cards: 42 Bloom’s Activities

Spelling Activity Matrix & Task Cards: 42 Bloom’s Activities

Spelling = frustration for a lot of kids, but it doesn’t have to! This editable Bloom's Spelling Activity Matrix, PowerPoint, and task card set means no prep for you and fun, fast learning for your students. We have aligned this matrix to Bloom’s Taxonomy as well as Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. By following the matrix, students take control of their own learning and decide which activities they will do. It addresses all aspects of spelling in language that students of all ages can understand, so it’s not just for kids - ESL teachers can just as easily make this a go-to resource. This matrix will help your students discover how to use their spelling words effectively and creatively. This download contains a PDF version and an editable Word document that you can modify for any age or audience. Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. *************************************************************************** Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES Year Long Visual Writing Prompts Fable Power Pack Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM ***************************************************************************** YOUR REVIEWS ARE ESSENTIAL IN KEEPING OUR PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AND REGULARLY UPDATED!!! IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO US!!! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
Alphabet Posters

Alphabet Posters

Take care of your most essential wall item for under a buck with our high-resolution alphabet poster set. This is a no prep set for you, just print and go! *************************************************************************** Every K-2 classroom needs an alphabet on display, and this flexible set will meet those needs, and more. As a PDF document, you just need to print and post to have your wall alphabet taken care of. These high-resolution images can be scaled to poster size with no pixilation or quality loss, and you can just as easily scale them down to card size for fun and easy games. You’ll immediately see how having your own scalable and printable set offers benefits that the traditional pre-printed packs can’t match. Want to customize these? You can also download this pack as an editable Word file for just a few dollars more! Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
English Posters Big Bundle

English Posters Big Bundle

Never worry about your wall again! With over 120 high-resolution, vibrant posters covering every major English concept from grades K-7, you will have a valuable reference for your students to refer to all year. We created these easy-to-understand, attractive posters to work with any elementary through junior high curriculum worldwide, and can be a go-to tool for keeping on track with Common Core standards. As a resource that will be front and center in your classroom, we knew it was important for them to capture students’ attention. So, we hired professional graphic artists to put these together. It was worth it – they look amazing. And they aren’t just for kids, either; ESL teachers love them. For a complete table of contents, check the preview file. Some of our major topics include:  8 Elements of Effective Writing (2 Variations)  Parts of Speech Including: Nouns, Adverbs, Interjections, Conjunctions, Prepositions, Pronouns, and Verbs,  26 Letters of the Alphabet in Victorian Modern Cursive Handwriting  24 Synonyms for Commonly Used Words  8 Poster Set Outlining the Key Elements of Writing Narratives  10 Poster Set Covering Colours (Colors for those of you in the U.S. )  8 Poster Set - Homonyms, Homographs and Homophones  The Writing Process Diagram  Months of the Year, Seasons, and Days of the Week for Young Writers  Visual: Let's Learn the Alphabet  Parts of a Paragraph  Alternate Parts of Speech Posters  Sounding out Words Chart  First 100 Most Commonly Used Words  Second 100 Most Commonly Used Words  Understanding Punctuation  Understanding Vowels  And much more! Like the sound of this? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. *************************************************************************** Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES Year Long Visual Writing Prompts Fable Power Pack Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM ***************************************************************************** YOUR REVIEWS ARE ESSENTIAL IN KEEPING OUR PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AND REGULARLY UPDATED!!! IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO US!!! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW
Let's learn the alphabet poster

Let's learn the alphabet poster

Learning the alphabet is the first step for your child to learn how to read. With reading comes a greater vocabulary.(and curiosity) It helps kids express themselves about their environment and gain more knowledge. This great Poster will be awelcome edition to any classroom or with it's bright colours and simplicity.
Editable Alphabet Posters

Editable Alphabet Posters

Take care of your most essential wall item for under a buck with our fully editable, high-resolution alphabet poster set. This is a no prep set for you, just print and go! *************************************************************************** Every K-2 classroom needs an alphabet on display, and this flexible set will meet those needs, and more. As a PDF document, you just need to print and post to have your wall alphabet taken care of. These high-resolution images can be scaled to poster size with no pixilation or quality loss, and you can just as easily scale them down to card size for fun and easy games. You’ll immediately see how having your own scalable and printable set offers benefits that the traditional pre-printed packs can’t match. Want to customize these? You can also download this pack as an editable Word file for just a few dollars more! Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways.
Elements of narratives poster series

Elements of narratives poster series

Students probably love writing narratives more than any other genre. It allows them to use freedom and knowledge to share their ideas in their own style. I have put together a series of 6 posters that will assist students in creating and reading narratives including. Plot Details Prediction Setting Characters Fiction and Non Fiction
Editable Narrative Checklists for Students and Teachers

Editable Narrative Checklists for Students and Teachers

Teach your students to independently check their own narrative / story writing with these beautiful checklists and rubric. These editable checklists are specifically for narratives or story writing. We will be creating more for other writing genres in the near future. There are three age variations in the bundle for Junior (Ages 5 - 7), Middle (7 - 11) and Senior (11 - 15). Each bundle contains both a student checklist for independent assessment and a student / teacher rubric for conferencing. Check the preview for a visual example. Each age group has been stylised and written to appeal to different age groups. With six to a page you can easily print these out and distribute to students an re use them over and over. Best of all they are completely editable if you wish to change any element of it. Give your students the tools they need for writing great stories.
Homonyms, Homophones & Homographs Poster Series

Homonyms, Homophones & Homographs Poster Series

A peak at this list will pique your students’ curiosity and help them see the right ways to write! This intriguing, high-resolution poster set will brighten your wall and spice up your kids’ writing. *************************************************************************** This handy reference set will help your students clarify the use of words with multiple meanings, similar sounds, and different pronunciations. Stop misuse of words and the cut off the dreaded they’re-their-there problem before it ever begins. With eight posters covering 72 examples, you will take care of all the homonyms, homophones, and homographs your elementary learners are likely to encounter. Each example comes with an accompanying emoji that is sure to get their attention and help their memory as well! We are giving you these PDF images in high-resolution so you can scale them to any size with no pixilation or quality loss. Like what you see? For more creative ideas and new product updates, be sure to sign up for our email newsletter, and visit us on Facebook to take part in our exclusive giveaways. Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas Full Year Visual Writing Prompts Bundle Poetry Power Pack 110 Reading Activities Bundle
Christmas Activity Workbook: 57 Pages of Fun Festive Tasks

Christmas Activity Workbook: 57 Pages of Fun Festive Tasks

This booklet is aimed at primary teachers and students. KS1 & KS2 It is designed to fill 2 weeks worth of worthwhile learning time with Christmas themed activities based around literacy, numeracy, science, art, craft and just plain old fashioned fun. No Prep required, in total there are over 80 tasks for students to complete which are broken into 15 major activities as follows. 2: Christmas Comparisons 3: Tallying Christmas Temperatures 4: Christmas Crossword Puzzle 5: Christmas Connections around the Globe 6: Christmas Energy 7: Christmas Math Word Problems 8: Christmas Compound Sentences 9: Christmas Calendar 10: Christmas Calculations 11: Christmas Essay Topics 12: Christmas Thinkers Keys Matrix 13: Christmas Jumble 14: Christmas writing mega bundle 15: Christmas Colouring Collection Answers are provided for all tasks and can be easily removed if you wish to do so. It has been used by numerous teachers over the years and has always been a hit with students. *************************************************************************** Other Popular Products From Innovative Teaching Ideas - Search for these items on TES Year Long Visual Writing Prompts Fable Power Pack Teaching Digital Technologies and STEM ***************************************************************************** YOUR REVIEWS ARE ESSENTIAL IN KEEPING OUR PRODUCTS LOW PRICED AND REGULARLY UPDATED!!! IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE TO US!!! PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW About Innovative Teaching Ideas Terms Copyright © Innovative Teaching Ideas. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. See product file for clipart and font credits.
Emoji Story Writing Prompt Freebie!

Emoji Story Writing Prompt Freebie!

Contains 24 different Emoji used as writing prompts to spark some excellent story writing in you classroom. Just simply print out the emoji included and present them to you students. Each strip includes a Written Prompt and Emoji Prompts based on characters, setting and plot. You can alter this task in a multitude of ways as you see fit.